hey im new to vaettir farming and heard there was a great one for mesmer/a . it involves sf, ww, wd. i googled and searched forums and all i came up with was old youtube videos and this : http://pvx.wikia.com/wiki/Build:Me/A_Vaettir_HM_Farmer
any link to a new one or a build for a new one? thanks
Firstly the website isnt upto date - infact the actual website changed to http://www.gwpvx.com/PvX_wiki.
And without checking the build ( as its not changed as far as im aware ) i can say it still works as i do the farm in and out of events
It is one the new pvx website, just only not explicitly stated because it's literally the same as the A/Me version bar shorter sf duration. The difference between your one and the gwpvx one is that the latter is far more optimised.